Ananias Training resources consist of a series of videos, available on demand from our learning platform or on DVD, and print guides for participants and leaders.
I am an individual and want to go through the Training myself using the online videos.
Click here to view purchase options on the Learning Platform
I am a leader and want to use it in parish, diocese or apostolate.
You can find the Leader kit by clicking the button below. It contains one copy of each print resource as well as the videos on DVD.
For more information and to purchase a Leader Kit, please click here.
I want to bring this to my parish, diocese or apostolate and provide everyone with access to the streaming videos!
Having Ananiases available in your community to accompany people whether they are seekers or disciples formally and informally begins to transform the culture of silence into a culture where it becames normal to encounter Jesus and hear his call to follow him in the midst of his Church as his disciple.
An unlimited access license is available for a one-time fee of $400. This allows your group to access the videos for themselves. There is no limit to the number of individuals in your group access.
Contact us to learn more about an Ananias Training license.
Participant guides, leader guides and the separate Great Story of Jesus retreat booklets are available separately. Quantity discounts are available.
Click here to purchase these resources.
Can you lead us through Ananias Training the first time? Can you provide training and support for our leaders?
Absolutely! Virtual Ananias Training is available for $2500 and includes your one-time license fee at no additional charge.
Virtual Ananias Training consists of 8, 2-hour virtual sessions with trained presenters who will guide you through the process. There is time alloted at key points to provide leaders with leader training, tips and insights so that they will be able to lead it themselves. Each participant will need a copy of the participant guide. Those who wish to lead Ananias Training will each need a leaders guide, as well.
As it becomes safe to travel and host live events, we will offer Leader Training live, as well.